
montessori makeover

After picking up a library book on the history of Maria Montessori, I was inspired to create the experience for Lars in our home. I've been intrigued by the theory long before my son came along, and even took tours of a few local montessori's when contemplating returning to work full-time. Since the toys were beginning to take over his room I couldn't think of a better time to implement this strategy. To create the space we picked up a shelving unit by Closetmaid and used on-hand food storage containers to organize everything by likeness. The idea is to keep a limited variety of items of interest within your child's reach, and rotate the options periodically. Meant to foster independence building, I've also been enjoying the benefits of my two and a half year old happily content to play for
30 - 45 minute stretches at a time!

1 comment:

Heather Carter said...

I read this post earlier and meant to come back and comment. I love this! Good work!
I'm all about doing clean sweaps with my daughters stuff and rotating. I love toys that evoke imgination and creativity. Lately I've started to see some really "smart" art from her. She'll create things that I'm surprised her little brain could think of.
What a fun age our little ones are at. Great job!